Morocco’s accession to ECOWAS: Building bridges or rocking the boat?

Two months after its re-admission to the African Union, Morocco announced its bid to join the West African regional organisation ECOWAS. In their 51st Summit, held in Monrovia in June 2017, ECOWAS heads of state and government approved Morocco’s application in principle but requested a detailed report on the political and economic implications of this membership. It was thus expected that the final say on this question would be announced at the next summit held last December in Abuja.

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Article originally published on ecdpm.

Cinq choses à savoir sur la crise anglophone au Cameroun

La crise anglophone qui agite actuellement le Cameroun tire son origine de l’histoire politique mouvementée de ce pays d’Afrique centrale, ancienne colonie allemande divisée après la Première guerre mondiale entre Français et Britanniques. 

– Legs de 14-18

Après la défaite de l’Allemagne en 1918, la Société des Nations (SDN, ancêtre de l’ONU) confie les quatre cinquièmes du Kamerun à la tutelle de Click here to continue