News & Resources (1/07/02021)


  • Macron announces the end of France’s anti-Islamist Operation Barkhane in the Sahel – France24
  • Macron: Barkhane mission ending, French presence to stay in Sahel – Al Jazeera
  • Macron announces end of France’s anti-terror Operation Barkhane in Africa’s Sahel region – CNN
  • Les États-Unis adressent un message de soutien fort à la France au Sahel – RFI
  • Au Sahel, il faut replacer la protection des civils au cœur de la réponse à la crise – Mediapart
  • Instability in the Sahel: how a jihadi gold rush is fuelling violence in Africa – Financial Times
  • Terrorism Spreading ‘Unabated’ Across Africa, Warns US Commander – VOANews


  • The PSC and Chad – policy implications of a historic decision – ISS
  • Terrorism in Côte d’Ivoire is no longer just an external threat – ISS

Updates and Resources on West Africa

  • Mali

In exchange for the release of French hostage Sophie Petronin, 200 ‘jihadists’ were released. A retired French general expresses his frustration, a view no doubt shared by many senior French army officials.

Read more on Le Monde & Negotiations with jihadists: a problematic political solution

  • Guinea & Ivory Coast

Online debate organised by WATHI Think Tank in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung foundation on elections and political practices in Guinea and Ivory Coast (French language resource).

Watch on YouTube “Élections en Guinée et en Côte d’Ivoire et pratiques politiques en Afrique de l’Ouest”