News & Resources (1/07/02021)


  • Macron announces the end of France’s anti-Islamist Operation Barkhane in the Sahel – France24
  • Macron: Barkhane mission ending, French presence to stay in Sahel – Al Jazeera
  • Macron announces end of France’s anti-terror Operation Barkhane in Africa’s Sahel region – CNN
  • Les États-Unis adressent un message de soutien fort à la France au Sahel – RFI
  • Au Sahel, il faut replacer la protection des civils au cœur de la réponse à la crise – Mediapart
  • Instability in the Sahel: how a jihadi gold rush is fuelling violence in Africa – Financial Times
  • Terrorism Spreading ‘Unabated’ Across Africa, Warns US Commander – VOANews


  • The PSC and Chad – policy implications of a historic decision – ISS
  • Terrorism in Côte d’Ivoire is no longer just an external threat – ISS