Malian army accused of extra judicial killings
Latest figures on extra-judicial killings by the Malian and Nigerien armed forces will do nothing to resolve the problem of insecurity in the western Sahel. Instead, they risk exacerbating the growing spiral of violence.
Niagalé Bagayoko discusses how to reform national security forces in the Western Sahel
As Niagalé Bagayoko explains in this piece for the French news magazine Le Point, it is not only local militias; jihadists and other armed groups that represent a security threat to the populations of the western Sahel; the security forces of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger are also implicated.
Violence in the western Sahel: a Peul perspective
A significant number of Peuls have joined the Islamist armed groups operating in the western Sahel. This has led to the stigmatisation of the Peul community as a whole and a breakdown of trust between Peul leaders, government authorities and neighbouring communities. The situation is further complicated by the divisions between some Peul leaders and their communities and the fact that Peul communities are themselves far from homogeneous.