Hats and Hijabs in Algeria and Turkey: Episode 341

This episode explores debates about aesthetics, headwear, and dress in interwar Algeria and Turkey. Why did hats and hijabs generate so much debate among Algerian thinkers, both men and women? How did expectations about what men would wear on their heads carry different political connotations than similar debates about women’s head coverings? This episode takes up the role of dress and comportment in shaping Algerian conversations about colonialism, feminism, and Islamic reform, as well as the importance of a “Turkish model” in interwar Algerian debates.

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Podcast originally published on Ottoman History Podcast

Berlin va indemniser les juifs d’Algérie victimes de mesures antisémites

L’Allemagne va verser pour la première fois des indemnités à des juifs originaires d’Algérie victimes de mesures antisémites de la France de Vichy, alliée du régime nazi durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Des négociations étaient en cours depuis août dernier, selon The Times of Israël.

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Article originally published on Le Parisien