Francophone Africa Update 30 May 2022

The Central African Republic’s parliament will discuss the proposal to amend the Constitution and enable President Touadera to run for a third term, Jeune Afrique


The EU is aiming to launch three new military missions in West Africa after Russia pushed Europe out of the Central African Republic (CAR) and Mali, EU Observer


Regional integration in West Africa: Wasteful overlaps or necessary options? ECDPM


Return of Military coups in Africa threatens democratic gains achieved in past decades, ISS blog


L’Algérie tient au principe de non-ingérence, L’Economiste Maghrébin

Francophone Africa Update 23 May 2022

23 May 2022

MNJTF forces continue their thrust deep into the Lake Chad islands, MNJTF

Wagner group’s playbook in Mali, FPRI

French withdrawal from Mali will redraw the political map of West Africa, Palestine Chronicle

Transition au Mali : Des organisations de la société civile exigent l’adoption d’une « loi électorale réaliste» afin d’éviter des crises postélectorales, Le Républicain (Mali)

1er anniversaire de la prise du pouvoir par le Colonel Assimi Goita : Le Mali restaure son honneur, sa dignité et sa fierté sur la scène internationale, Inter de Bamako

Mali looks to build economic relations with Russia, Le Journal (Bamako)

Niger: violences en marge du passage d’un convoi de Barkhane les victimes bientôt indemnisées, Journal du Niger