WAPSN Workshop: New Thinking on West African Security Challenges

The West Africa Peace and Security Network’s annual workshop “New Thinking on West African Security Challenges” will be held at the University of Portsmouth on the 17th-18th of May 2018. The workshop will discuss new approaches on security challenges in West Africa including highly relevant topics such as the role of foreign powers for West African peace and security; the AU and ECOWAS’ approaches to address peace and security on the continent; non-state actors, violent extremism, security and knowledge production in West Africa. Participants include academics and experts from West Africa, the UK and Europe.


For more details, please see the workshop programme on the WAPSN website http://www.westafricasecuritynetwork.org/events/forthcoming/


Mali, the G5 and Security Sector Assistance: Political Obstacles to Effective Cooperation

While the security situation in Mali and its border areas continues to deteriorate, the new “Force Conjointe” (FC) of the G5 Sahel states completed its first military operation in mid-November. Its aim is to make a regional contribution to the fight against terrorism and organised crime. A summit was held in Paris on 13 December to mobilise further financial and equipment support for FC. Germany and the EU are strongly committed to this project alongside France. However, efforts to enhance regional armed forces are fraught with problems. International partners prefer a capacity-building approach geared to short-term success over security sector reform and lack a coordinated strategy. The Malian government, on the other hand, preserves the status quo and is not prepared to accept its political responsibility.

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Article originally published on German Institute for International and Security Affairs