Update 6 January 2025

La Côte d’Ivoire annonce le retrait des forces françaises, EuroNews

What next after ECOWAS parts ways with Sahel States?, The Africa Report

L’AES rejette les décisions de la Cédéao, APA News

Germany persuades ECOWAS to soft‑peddle Sahel junta exits, The Africa Report

L’héritage occulté de Messali Hadj, Le Monde Diplomatique

Call for papers for the Cahiers d’histoire: Looking back at the African Lefts.  Deadline 15 February.

Abstract: This call for papers from Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique focuses on left-wing activism in Africa, particularly that which can be considered as revolutionary, underpinned by anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism, from the 1960s, with access to independence, to the 1990s, with the implementation of a multi-party system and the imposition of structural adjustment policies. The aim is to shed light on histories that are often overlooked in academic literature, because they were often lived underground, during the long periods when post-colonial states prohibited multipartyism de facto or de jure. Priority will therefore be given to studies that provide new elements or develop an innovative approach to existing knowledge, whether in contemporary African political history or Africanist political science.

For the full call for papers, contact: martinmourre@hotmail.com and bianchini@gmx.fr. Papers may be in English or French.

Update 23 December 2024

Sauver les acquis du processus d’intégration régionale en Afrique de l’Ouest, WATHI Podcast

A Splinter in the Sahel: Can the Divorce with ECOWAS Be Averted?, ICG

Retrait français du Tchad : un premier contingent de 120 soldats a quitté N’Djamena, annonce le ministère des armées tchadien, Le Monde

«Le retrait des troupes françaises du Tchad est une revendication populaire», TchadVision

Is Francafrique ending? Why Senegal is cutting military ties with France, Al-Jazeera

Sénégal: la fin annoncée de la présence militaire française soulève des interrogations, RFI

France admits colonial ‘massacre’, says Senegal’s leader, BBC

With a Parliamentary Majority in Hand, Now Senegal’s Faye Must Deliver, WPR

Tout comprendre des enjeux de la visite d’État du président du Nigeria Bola Tinubu en France, L’Humanité

Nigerian president in Paris as France pivots towards anglophone Africa, RFI

A Course Correction for Mali’s Sovereign Turn, ICG

Staying engaged as Team Europe in fragile settings, ETTG