University of Portsmouth School of Languages and Area Studies with the British Council, Algiers
Application deadline: Friday 1 May 2015
Interviews expected w/b 18 May 2015
Start date: 1 October 2015
Project description
This studentship presents a unique opportunity to complete a PhD in an emerging research area and develop highly transferable skills by working both within a university environment and as part of a non-academic international organisation. The studentship project examines the place of English within the contemporary Algerian linguistic and cultural landscape. It explores the historical, political, economic and social contexts which shape learners’ motivation to study English, identifying new directions in research into shifts in global connections and perceptions of what has traditionally been termed ‘Francophone Africa’. It also seeks to provide the basis for more research-informed policy-making, enabling the British Council to better focus its work encouraging UK-Algerian co-operation and partnership, including study in the UK, and better direct its English provision for both students and teachers.
Applications for this studentship are welcome from anyone with a strong academic track record EITHER in the field of language and linguistics (especially educational psychology, applied linguistics or language teaching) OR in the field of Algerian or North African area studies (history, politics, cultures or society). Candidates are not expected to demonstrate competency in both fields at interview stage, but are expected to develop their knowledge of the field with which they are less familiar in the course of year 1 of the PhD, under the supervisory team’s guidance. Candidates must have a strong interest in the project and an ability to engage with and work across institutions. In year 2, the student will primarily be based in Algeria, carrying out fieldwork and acquiring workplace training working alongside staff in the English Higher Education Programme at the British Council.
The student will be jointly supervised by the University of Portsmouth and the British Council in Algiers. The academic supervisory team are all members of the School of Languages and Area Studies (SLAS), one of the largest departments of its kind in the UK, and the Centre for European and International Studies Research (CEISR). CEISR focuses on fostering, through its cluster-based structure, cross-faculty research across the humanities and social sciences. This project brings together the Francophone Africa and Language across Borders clusters, both of which have well established and internationally recognised research track records. The British Council has more than 75 years experience in promoting the English language and cultural relations in more than 100 countries around the world. The successful candidate will benefit from an extensive programme of research training and workplace experience, developing skills in intercultural awareness, project management and effective communication.
AHRC terms and conditions mean that to be eligible for this award, candidates must meet certain UK residency requirements:
This is a 3-year studentship which covers PhD registration fees, an annual AHRC maintenance payment (£14,413 in 2014/15), plus an additional £1000 per annum paid by the British Council.
Informal enquiries contact details
Dr Natalya Vince, Senior Lecturer in North African and French Studies, and Dr Mark Wyatt, Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics
How to apply
Full details about the project and how to apply are available here: