Responding to the Rise in Violent Extremism in the Sahel
Pauline Le Roux highlights in her ACSS brief that violent activity involving close coordinated militant Islamist groups in the Sahel has doubled every year since 2015. They employ asymmetric tactics and have aplified local girevances and intercommunal differences to increase recruitement. Given the complex social dimensions of violence in the Sahel, a more robust mobile security presence and solidarity with communities affected by conflict is recommended.
Engager le dialogue au Sahel : à Pau un revirement stratégique est nécessaire
Jean-Hervé Jezequel, director at the Sahel Project, discusses at the ICG the meeting between France and G5 Sahel members that took place on 13 January. Altough actors reaffirmed their committment to fight together against jihadi terrorism, the autor argues that the military response is not enough and a political solution needs to be found.
The G5 Sahel region: a Desert Flower?
Stellah Kwasi, Jakkie Cilliers, Lily Welborn and Ibrahim Maiga provide a short history of G5 Sahel. They argue that fundamnetal development interventions and not militarised approaches can improve the situation in the region. These must include: promotion of accountable governance that promotes transparency, the rule of law and respect for human rights, and provision of basic services for the entire population.