France Culture on Algerian war, 1958.

LA FABRIQUE DE L’HISTOIRE by Emmanuel Laurentin on France Culture presents a series of programmes on the Algerian war during 1958: late-colonial reforms, the FLN’s international strategy, military tactics and practices.

  • Le réformisme colonial en Algérie des origines jusqu’au plan de Constantine. 
  • Des femmes au service de la formation des jeunes filles dans la guerre d’Algérie. 
  • Le FLN et l’internationalisation de la guerre
  •  Armée et politique

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Content originally published on France Culture






Natalya Vince’s article is the most-read of French Historical Studies in 2016

Congratulations to our colleague, Dr Natalya Vince*, for her article Transgressing Boundaries: Gender, Race, Religion, and “Françaises Musulmanes” during the Algerian War of Independence being the most-read in 2016 of all French Historical Studies articles.

The article is available in open access until the end of the month:

*Dr Natalya Vince is Reader in North African and French Studies, and member of the Francophone Africa Research Cluster at the University of Portsmouth.