Francophone Africa Update: 24 January 2022

Confused situation in Burkina Faso amidst mutinies and coup attempt. Le Monde Omega FM AlJazeera

Local elections in Senegal: the opposition wins in Dakar and Ziguinchor. Le Monde AfricaNews RFI REUTERS

French soldier killed in Mali. France Info VOA France24

Cameroon: 17 Die in Capital City Explosion Caused by Fire. VOA AlJazeera

DRC: President Tshisekedi faces critical year ahead as elections loom. The East African

Mediapart accuse le milliardaire Vincent Bolloré d’avoir corrompu les présidents du Togo et de la Guinée. Le Courrier du Soir

As Africa Cup of Nations plays on in Cameroon, taxi drivers fear violence. RFI

This ‘Plastic Man’ Has a Cape and a Superhero’s Mission: Cleaning Up Senegal. NYTimes

Francophone Africa Update: 10 January 2022

New evidence of Belgian complicity in 1961 killing of Burundi’s PM. The Guardian

Several killed in suicide bomb attack at DRC restaurant. AlJazeera

En Algérie, le porte-parole d’un parti d’opposition condamné à deux ans de prison. Le Monde

Wagner reportedly deployed in Mali. France 24 RFI The Conversation

Delays, debates, and sanctions over Mali’s political transition. BBC DW

« Procès Sankara » au Burkina Faso : Le long combat des justiciers de l’ombre. Afrique XXI

Sahel Conflict Set to Worsen in 2022 according to analysts. VOA News

Dossier: Aux origines coloniales de l’opération Barkhane au Sahel. Afrique XXI

Video report: “The Invisible Enemy: Climate Change and Migration in the SahelVOA News

CAN 2022 : gloires et déboires du football camerounais. Le Monde