Weekly Update

In Niger, under cover of Covid-19 restrictions, journalists are imprisoned for doing their job. And France is accused of turning a blind eye.
Read more on Liberation

Guinée: faut-il supprimer les forces de défense et de sécurité?

Aliou Barry discusses the current security situation in Guinea, arguing that due to their behaviour, security and defence forces need to be replaced with an entire new structure.

Read more on WATHI

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa

Elena Gadjanova argues that COVID-19 will accelerate processes of divergence and heterogeneity, impacting aspects such as democratization, civil society and media environments, electoral management institutions but also intra-African integration and cooperation.

Read more on Pandemipolitics


French Military Operations in Postcolonial Africa

Whether under a French, UN or EU flag, the French army has intervened more than 50 times in Africa in the last 60 years. Built with sources provided by the French army, these visualisations show the frequency of the French military interventions in its former colonial empire and sometimes beyond.

Explore Vincent Hirribaren’s personal website, where he explain the results of his research in African HistoryDigital Humanities and the History of the Basque Country.