RUDN Univeristy Conference AFNSIR 2021: Development Cooperation with Africa in the Post-Covid Era (Zoom-format, Deadline 15 February 2021)

AFNSIR 2021 will focus on the topic of Development Cooperation with Africa in the Post-Covid Era.
In 2020, Africa, as the rest of the world, experienced a crisis associated with a pandemic, its consequences for health care, economy, education and political unity of the countries. To discuss the challenges of a new era for Africa, we would like to invite our friends and colleagues, the participants of the conference 2020, to become our experts this year.
In 2021, taking into account new realities, we are holding an online conference on the zoom platform with simultaneous translation. The conference will be held in two days:
Day 1. 25 February 2021
Panel session 1: Summits of great powers on cooperation with Africa
Round table: African views on post-COVID recovery & African Agency
Panel session 2: Healthcare cooperation (COVAX, WHO and regional iniatives in Africa)
Day 2. 26 February 2021
Panel session 3: Transformation of education cooperation within the Continent (new vectors of growth)
Round table: African digitalization & cyber-security
Panel session 4: Conflicts & Political Process despite COVID Pandemics
All important dates and schedule are available at the website:
For registration please fill in the form: